Jim Hall's Addendum to Greg's "Cheap Screw Guaranteed-To-Not-Make-A-Mess-If-You-Follow-The-Procedures" Oil Change Procedure

A small modification to Greg Amy's oil change procedures. Works well on Tigers and Cheetahs.

Construct the Hyper Oil Bottle Hose-Assisted Drain Tool.

1. Cut an empty (this is important!) oil bottle into the shape shown in the bottom two left hand photos on Greg's site http://www.gatm.com/flying/oilchg.html. Remove the cap.

2. Modify the shape as necessary by cutting down the bottom so it will slip under the oil filter while it is place (mine has about a 1/2 inch lip). The long axis of the bottle will be parallel to the long axis of the filter.

3. Buy the shortest, cheapest garden hose you can find. (Should be half inch hose.)

4. Buy a plastic PVC pipe elbow with a male end that will screw into the hose and a female end that will force fit on to the above modified oil bottle. (it ain't pretty, but it works!)

5. Assemble above parts making sure the elbow attached to the hose goes DOWN when the cut oil bottle is slipped under the oil filter. You now have a Hyper Oil Bottle Hose-Assisted Drain Tool.

6. Cut the hose to a convenient length so it can run from the cut oil bottle catch basin through the cowl vent into a suitable receptacle. It is important to have a suitable receptacle, and it is important to have a check list which includes the item "insert catch basin hose free end into receptacle before draining oil from filter". (Don't ask how I know this is important.)

7. Run the piece of cheap hose you cut off through cowl vent to your quick drain. (This is why you want 1/2 inch hose.) Insert the free end into the suitable receptacle. Drain oil.

8. Slip the Hyper Oil Bottle Hose-Assisted Drain Tool under the oil filter (if you haven't already) and make sure the end with the hose attached is the lowest point.

9. Punch a hole or two in the top of the filter with an awl.

10. Unscrew the filter so the punched holes are down. Punch one or two air holes in the top of the filter to allow oil to drain faster.

11. Wait.

12. Remove free ends of the drain hoses from the suitable receptacle and plug with corks or stuff with paper towel (to prevent oil drips).

13. Close quick drain.

14. Remove hoses through cowl vent. Wipe off the excess oil remaining in the Hyper Oil Bottle Hose-Assisted Drain Tool and store for next use.

15. Attach and torque new filter. Add appropriate amount of oil.

Jim Hall
jhall2 -at- earthlink.net